Our village Lagorce is about 4 km from the domain located. It is a medieval village with about 700 inhabitants. With + / - 7000 hectares is Lagorce the largest village  of thecaves  department. It is situated between a hilly landscape which with his limestone character many grottes and  Avens have.

Because of its  mediteranisch climate  benefits Lagorce  a warm and sunny climate.

The landscape has a typical robust mediteran vegetation with underbrush, oaks, pines and cades.

In this region was a thriving silk industry located in history. as you will you can in Lagorce visit the Silk Museum (La Magnanerie) where you see how they make the silk  begining with the  growing up off the silkworms to the silk from A to Z to follow...                                                                                                                                      ; ....................... .    


